November 24, 2005 | Graham

Vaughan Johnson’s views on Federal IR legislation

In my previous post I reported comments by Vaughan Johnson about the federal IR changes and said I would invite him to make a post on the issue on this blog. Here is his response.

Dear Graham,
Thank you for your email of today 24th November. While I may have given the impression yesterday that I supported the federal Governments Industrial Relations Laws I cautioned Mal Brough that the advdertising needs to be put in plain basic english so that main stream Australia can fully understand and comprehend the detail- thus an education program that is not pulling the wool over peoples eyes is paramount.
We in the National Party in Queensland have voted to-day with the Labor Government to support their motion to get the Queensland Senators not to support the IR laws in current form until they are made clearer to the electorate and not disadvantaging ordinary workers who feel threatened at this point from the complexity of the magnitude of this exercise.
Many people are cautious and need to be given every opportunity to understnd what changes really mean and ultimately this legislation should not be rushed.

Posted by Graham at 4:19 pm | Comments (1) |
Filed under: Australian Politics

1 Comment

  1. As I see it (I’m an enbittered, bad-tempered 70+ bloke) these new laws are aimed at ensuring that the monetary support for any non-liberal party is destroyed.
    Then pandering to ones own party backers and donors, the proprietors and bosses, is always a ‘good’ thing.
    Then it’s the American way, and we know how little johnie loves george and America, and loves ape-ing george, note his visit to the troops in a bush style leather jacket. By the way as bush note again when howard is in strife or possible strife he ALWAYS cosies up to the armed forces- a brave “wartime?” leader.
    As America has a underclass that can be manipulated and abused so l/j wants one it seems.
    Don’t laugh at the last point. Have you seen how our health, education etc is following the American pattern. Either l/j (little johnie) likes the American way or george has given him his orders.
    Some have been taken to task for calling l/j a fascist. But, again before you sneer, both Germany and Italy from democracies slowly became a dictatorship. First the Police and Army were given greater powers. Then any one who disagreed were deemed to be un-German/Italian. This ring a bell with anyone – anyone at all? Seen it all before and now concerned. numbat

    Comment by — November 28, 2005 @ 3:23 pm

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