February 15, 2011 | Graham

Snowy Hydro scandal hits 7.30 Report

Very few blogs do news.

As recent events have shown, most cater to a micro market, working themselves into a lather in often bizarre ways about issues that barely matter to their own market, let alone the broader universe.

And they rarely break new ground.

An exception to that is Jennifer Marohasy.

Earlier this year Jennifer uncovered a scandal involving the Snowy River Hydro Corporation which in the middle of flooding had been needlessly pumping even more water into the river system so as to generate electricity for sale. The reason for this? To dress up the asset for sale.

So, this part government-owned corporation was prepared to put at risk the health, wealth and safety of flood affected downstream Australians just to pimp its corporate bottom line.

What’s worse it has been denying its own actions, and these have been revealed in documents leaked to Marohasy.

Surely this is what blogging ought to be about rather than snide self-opinionated rants.

Click here to see what 7.30 Report reporter Bronwyn Herbert does with the issue.

You can see Jennifer’s first take at this story on On Line Opinion here.

This should be a much larger story, but outside the blogosphere, On Line Opinion and Quadrant the only organisations to do anything are The Australian and now the ABC.

Posted by Graham at 7:54 pm | Comments (4) |
Filed under: Uncategorized


  1. Good one. Now we just need hydro on Wivenhoe so next time the create a flood in Brisbane we at least get some cheap power.

    Comment by joe — February 16, 2011 @ 5:23 am

  2. Nothing surprises me anymore Graham.This is the result of corporates having too much power over our Govts.We should not be selling off public assets to service debt.

    Comment by Ross — February 16, 2011 @ 7:34 am

  3. agree with Ross, and am interested to know how Jennifer uncovered this rort.

    Comment by Ronda Jambe — February 21, 2011 @ 8:53 am

  4. I think what happened Ronda was that people downstream were wondering what was happening when further down the river was in flood, but water was being released from the dam even though they knew there was plenty of additional storage in it.

    Jennifer has a wide audience, and some of them sent her emails. She followed-up. And as she dug in and publicised what was going on she attracted sources who gave her further and better information.

    Comment by Graham — February 24, 2011 @ 12:25 pm

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