Posts in ‘Australian Politics’

Kevin’s war on everything, including booze

Wednesday, February 20th, 2008

Government is in the solution business, which means to be rated a success a government needs problems – no problems, nothing to solve. Rudd’s ambitious, so he’s adding problems to the list of those he inherited like inflation, but are some of the problems real? One of his first moves was to send Labor members […]

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Posted by Graham at 10:01 pm | Comments (11) |
Filed under: Australian Politics

Sorry too limited

Tuesday, February 12th, 2008

I don’t have a problem with saying sorry for the “Stolen Generation”, although the HREOC report “Bringing them home” appears to have exaggerated the actual facts of the matter. But to limit an apology to such a problematic and minor part of the whole story of injustice to Australia’s indigenous inhabitants seems to me to […]

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Posted by Graham at 8:27 am | Comments (11) |
Filed under: Australian Politics

Junkies are the scum of the earth (3)

Wednesday, February 6th, 2008

No point in talking about my son any more. Why depress everyone, including myself? Better to boast of solutions to the tedious society vs the individual vs resource distribution conundrum. In relation to drug policy at least. Again I find my suggestions are viable, and being implemented in the enlightened backwoods of Scandinavia. On the […]

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Posted by Ronda Jambe at 2:53 pm | Comments (4) |

Confusion by design?

Wednesday, January 30th, 2008

Trust in the markets is a brave thing, yet most people I have spoken to about the recent turbulence have voiced that view: in the longer term, the stock market only goes up. Of course, there are glitches and some losses when big companies collapse, but overall one can expect to make money on the […]

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Posted by Ronda Jambe at 12:34 pm | Comments (6) |

Sorry split

Wednesday, January 30th, 2008

The Courier Mail reports today that Brendan Nelson’s agreement to an apology to Aborigines for the stolen generation will “split” the Liberal Party (although the only splinter they can find to quote is Wilson Tuckey). The state governments have all made their apologies, and today The Australian has a run down on when they made […]

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Posted by Graham at 7:32 am | Comments (5) |
Filed under: Australian Politics

Opposing from Government

Thursday, January 24th, 2008

Labor won the last election by convincing enough people that it would be little different to John Howard while convincing enough other people it would be completely different. One group was always going to be crying into its beer, and that group was always going to be the “progressives”. Early signs of it have started […]

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Posted by Graham at 8:51 am | Comments (5) |
Filed under: Australian Politics


Wednesday, January 23rd, 2008

Mark Bahnisch has taken to calling Lawrence Springborg “the Borg” which brings to my mind images of Arnold Schwarzenegger and Terminators. Queensland non-Labor politics seems to be caught in a continuous “B” Grade loop with a script they can’t change, which doesn’t make any sense, and which always leads to the same unsatisfactory conclusion. Springborg […]

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Posted by Graham at 8:59 am | Comments (4) |
Filed under: Australian Politics

Surplus of fashion risks economic growth.

Tuesday, January 22nd, 2008

Why is Kevin Rudd set on running a budget surplus of somewhere around $17 billion? The conventional economic theory is that governments should run surpluses in good times so that they can spend them in bad times as a way of stabilising swings in the economy. But after 15 years of expansion and with negligible […]

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Posted by Graham at 6:35 am | Comments (4) |
Filed under: Australian Politics

In Praise of Older Goods

Friday, January 18th, 2008

…or the African Freecycle Boogie. I guess it is rewarding to live long enough to see my youthful concerns become mainstream alarms. Or at least fashionable. And that is what is now happening with recycled goods. Second hand goods have appealed to me since my childhood. At about age 7, with my equally naughty friend […]

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Posted by Ronda Jambe at 12:29 pm | Comments Off on In Praise of Older Goods |

Swan’s ugly duckling with the banks

Tuesday, January 15th, 2008

Wayne Swan’s copped a lot of criticism for his attempt to stop banks raising interest rates, but mostly for the wrong reasons. Swan’s only powers over bank interest rates are persuasive, not real. He heavied the banks and was ignored, stripping bare any perception of power. Next time he tries to talk the banks into […]

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Posted by Graham at 10:41 am | Comments (2) |
Filed under: Australian Politics