You’d expect me to be happy that Gary Gray has been made the minister responsible for climate change, but what was the PM thinking? I’m happy because Gary Gray is a fully-fledged climate skeptic, and there should be more of us in positions of influence. According to Business Spectator, in 1999 he said “the evidence linking […]
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Climate skeptic in charge of climate
Monday, March 25th, 2013Some misogynists are OK
Saturday, March 23rd, 2013In a week when Julia Gillard declared her intention to play the gender card by telling parliament “Misogynist Tony is back”, and her intention to lift journalistic standards who do you think she would call first to discuss her re-election as Labor leader? Leading female anchor Leigh Sales? Or a PC male journalist like Jon […]
Continue Reading...Surviving the GFC by being unfashionable
Saturday, March 9th, 2013Could Australia have prospered post-GFC by ignoring the fashionable economic nostrums. While the chief retailers of high economic couture here in Australia urge us to abandon producing things for service industries (or worse green industries), Joel Kotkin points out that the opposite strategy has prospered best in recent years. Something strange happened on the road […]
Continue Reading...Whatever happened to representative democracy?
Thursday, March 7th, 2013This piece by Peter van Onselen is based on a huge misconception of how our system of government should, and does, work. I’ve had his theory of government put to me by my daughters and other non-expert voters, but never before by a professor of politics. Talking about the resignation of Victorian Premier Ted Baillieu […]
Continue Reading...Not Flannery again
Monday, March 4th, 2013You’d think that Tim Flannery would have given up the forecasting game after his claims that Australia was destined for perpetual drought have been proven untrue by the weather. But no, he’s at it again. The agency’s chief commissioner Tim Flannery said the summer had been one of extremes, and was in some ways like […]
Continue Reading...Well-watered public goods
Monday, February 25th, 2013The joke jumps into my mind because it is raining felines and canines outside, and a friend has asked me to publicise his crowd-funding masterclass. Q. Who was the greatest financier of all time? A. Noah, because he floated alone while all the rest of the world was in liquidation. Boom boom! Well, I like […]
Continue Reading...Global warming boosts rainfall
Sunday, February 24th, 2013It seems like it never stops raining in summer in Queensland these days. Hard to believe that only a couple of years ago we were worrying that our dams would never be full again. Something to thank global warming for, or is it? It’s been some years since I looked at any rainfall charts, but […]
Continue Reading...Are NASA and NOAA fixing the data on climate change?
Friday, February 8th, 2013If they are, we are all truly ruined. But I don’t think they are distorting the data. Where then is the evidence to support the position some have taken in comments here that global temperatures have fallen? One simpleton even has used childhood memories of beach sand extent as ‘evidence’ of a sea level drop. […]
Continue Reading...A different dialogue on climate change
Tuesday, February 5th, 2013This morning the ABC Radio National was talking to someone from local councils in Queensland. I only heard the end of it, but he was making the case for longer term approaches to the problems created by severe weather events. He said Queensland (or his part of it) has had 4 severe events in 4 […]
Continue Reading...Own goal for climate change deniers
Wednesday, January 30th, 2013Here’s a conundrum for the climate change sceptics: A report has just come out describing the affects of hot cities on the upper atmosphere. Since very large cities generate a lot of energy, and the energy gives off heat, and the hot air rises, and the winds carry it far, far away. This is not […]
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