March 09, 2012 | Graham

Where are the gender police on this one?

I have trouble believing that if an ad like this had been run by the Liberal Party about a male ALP figure, say Kevin Rudd, that the gender police wouldn’t have been out in force. So where are they now? It targets Campbell Newman through his wife and suggests […] Continue Reading…

Posted by Graham at 6:33 am | Comments Off on Where are the gender police on this one?
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March 07, 2012 | James Stafford

The IPCC may have outlived its usefulness – an interview with Judith Curry

As the global warming debate increases in its intensity we find both sides deeply entrenched, hurling accusations and lies at one another in an attempt to gain the upper hand. This divide within the scientific community has left the public wondering who can be trusted to provide them with […] Continue Reading…

Posted by James Stafford at 10:21 pm | Comments (1)
Filed under: Environment

March 06, 2012 | Graham

Carr’s first test

Barack Obama has been telling the Iranians that “Yes we can” and that the US will take military action against them. I’m not sure whether the “we” includes “us” as in Australian, but I hope it doesn’t. While there were arguable reasons for going into Iraq and Afghanistan, there […] Continue Reading…

Posted by Graham at 11:22 pm | Comments (4)

March 04, 2012 | Graham

Finkelstein’s monster

Another day, another incompetency…must be Australia post 2007.

Ray Finkelstein is apparently a fine commercial lawyer, at least according to Wikipedia. That is the best that can be said about his chairmanship of the Independent Media Inquiry and its report.

Its report is absolute drivel, and one has to question the […] Continue Reading…

Posted by Graham at 11:23 pm | Comments (6)
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February 27, 2012 | Graham

Bishop gives last rites to #kevenge

This has got to be the best comment on the leadership contest. Although if he goes one more time it might be more like Nightmare on Elm Street.

Amanda Bishop gives Julia some top notes while Phillip Scott plays up a storm for Kevin.

Posted by Graham at 10:35 am | Comments (3)
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February 23, 2012 | Graham

I guess this means Rudd has more than a third

The only reason that Julia Gillard could be calling a leadership ballot is because her challenger could force one. Which means that Kevin Rudd must have more than a third of the votes because that is what you need to force a spill.

That’s more votes than the Gillard people […] Continue Reading…

Posted by Graham at 12:01 am | Comments (10)
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February 20, 2012 | Graham

Education’s Gonski now.

The government has just released the Gonski review of education and while I have yet to read it and so am relying on news reports it appears to have made a number of obvious errors.

First is that contra the assertions made by the inquiry, there is little relationship between […] Continue Reading…

Posted by Graham at 8:47 pm | Comments (7)
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February 19, 2012 | Graham

A Rudd alumnus the YouTube source?

Could Rudd’s office be the source of the “Happy Vegemite Video”, but in a bid to damage Rudd?

I know, in the Byzantine world of Labor politics convoluted revenge is a common currency, but how could that possibly work?

Well watch the video again while you think about it and I’ll […] Continue Reading…

Posted by Graham at 9:22 pm | Comments (12)
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February 17, 2012 | Graham

Fighting personal disintegration and last century’s campaign

For some time now I’ve wondered how Anna Bligh has turned-up to work every day and looked so calm, cool and collected, like everyone’s favourite mum, for the media.

She knows, as the rest of the state knows, that on March 25, 2012, it will all be over. Running a […] Continue Reading…

Posted by Graham at 6:12 am | Comments (3)
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February 16, 2012 | Graham

Newman’s get out of jail card

On most counts, since Queensland’s faux election campaign began Campbell Newman has yet to win a day, but yesterday was different courtesy of an own goal from the Queensland Premier when she claimed that he would be going to jail.

The reason Newman has yet to win a day is […] Continue Reading…

Posted by Graham at 8:46 am | Comments (1)
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