November 03, 2011 | Graham

MRRT – another step on the Argentinian road

Yesterday saw the introduction into federal parliament of the Minerals Resource Rent Tax bills. This marks another retreat from Australia’s position as possibly the best country in the world (see Peter Hartcher’s new book Sweet Spot) along the path that leads to Argentina, or something like it.

The MRRT is […] Continue Reading…

Posted by Graham at 7:21 am | Comments (10)
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October 31, 2011 | Graham

BEST data show 2010 as unusually cool

While there is no doubt that global temperature has been rising for more than a hundred years there have been issues with the accuracy of the temperature measurements. In particular the siting of weather stations in areas subject to urban heat, choice of sites represented in the data, and […] Continue Reading…

Posted by Graham at 8:37 am | Comments (3)
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October 28, 2011 | Graham

Is the NBN the Internet P76?

If the NBN is going to make money then it needs a lot of customers taking the high speed packages, but how likely is that to happen?

I was canvassed earlier this week by TPG who offering me a 10 mbs broadband upload and download package for $199 per month. […] Continue Reading…

Posted by Graham at 5:23 pm | Comments (13)
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October 28, 2011 | Ronda Jambe

A Copernican Moment

I’ve recently returned from an Asia Pacific Climate Change Congress in Melbourne. This was a gathering of climate change presenters trained by the Australian Conservation Foundation and Al Gore, where people told their stories and their experiences of climate change around the Pacific nations. Brave and innovative people from […] Continue Reading…

Posted by Ronda Jambe at 3:01 pm | Comments (3)
Filed under: Environment

October 25, 2011 | Graham

Occupy – a vacant lot

If a field full of Irishmen is called a Paddy field, what do you call a field full of Australians? A vacant lot. Boom boom. It’s an old joke and it’s what comes to mind when I see reporting of Occupy Melbourne, or Occupy Sydney, or Occupy Wherever.

They’ve had […] Continue Reading…

Posted by Graham at 6:37 am | Comments (28)

October 24, 2011 | Graham

Candidates waiving good name

Does anyone else feel the way that I do about candidates standing at the side of the road waving at traffic? To me it looks to be about the dopiest thing you could do in a day.

I know politicians are expected to do some things to get elected that […] Continue Reading…

Posted by Graham at 7:12 am | Comments (3)
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October 13, 2011 | Graham

LNP should have set up an in-house oppositional research wiki

The most surprising thing about the LNP’s so-called dirt file is that they had to pay an outsider $3,075 to compile it. If their parliamentarians weren’t aware of just about all that was in the files then they aren’t doing their jobs properly.

They could have set-up an inhouse wiki […] Continue Reading…

Posted by Graham at 5:34 pm | Comments (5)
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October 11, 2011 | Graham

Perrett non-story tightens case for Rudd

The Graham Perrett threat to quit parliament if Julia Gillard is rolled probably makes only a miniscule difference to whether we will get an early election, but it does strengthen the hand of Kevin Rudd in the tussle for the ALP leadership.

It’s really a non-story. and is only a […] Continue Reading…

Posted by Graham at 2:48 pm | Comments (3)
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October 07, 2011 | Graham

Hubbert’s peak receding

Australian motorists have had a charmed ride compared to those overseas because of the bouyancy of the Australian dollar. That ride seems to have come to an end with news reports that the price of fuel is set to hit a 3 year high.

PETROL prices are on the rise […] Continue Reading…

Posted by Graham at 6:56 am | Comments (3)
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September 30, 2011 | Nick

Freedom of speech, freedom of expression and the Bolt decision

Those in doubt that the Andrew Bolt case is about free speech need only think about the contortions of logic necessary to dismissing the proposition that it is about free speech.

On his blog, my friend Mark Bahnisch says that “free speech is not at issue here” before observing that […] Continue Reading…

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