G’day Australia,
Let me introduce myself.
I am a primary producer. For my entire life I have been involved in primary production. I would like to think that this qualifies me as a professional in my trade. So what does my trade involve? Well firstly, I produce livestock. This makes […] Continue Reading…
June 20, 2011 | Iain Nicholson
A producer’s view of animal rights
June 19, 2011 | Graham
Greens follow GetUp
It’s been a long time coming, but at last a major political party has copied one of the most effective fundraising tactics of GetUp.
If you want to support the ad embedded below you can go to this page: It’s time the big polluters did their fair share, watch the […] Continue Reading…
June 19, 2011 | Ronda Jambe
In the Motherland
After an uneventful three week stay in New Jersey (except for the ambulance trip for my spouse and a number of mostly annoying family dramas, along with happy get togethers with friends) we headed for Germany in late May. There we spent a few very fine days with an […] Continue Reading…
June 16, 2011 | Graham
Garnaut report uses wrong figure on sea level rises
Reader John Robertson has provided me with this intriquing insight into the Garnaut report and sea level rise. It makes you wonder.
“In its May 2011 report the ‘Climate Commission’ put the danger of ‘sea level rise’, allegedly caused by extra CO2, front and centre. It included a map which […] Continue Reading…
June 13, 2011 | Graham
Australia has world’s best practice in government accountability
Australia has placed fourth in the world for open government according to the World Justice Project, which compares 66 leading countries on a variety of political indicators.
We don’t do so well on other indicators, but our result is still very healthy – if you put a lot of store […] Continue Reading…
June 10, 2011 | Ronda Jambe
North of the Border
Greetings from Miami Beach, far from the winter of Canberra and its blustering political winds. It was more salubrious (and expensive) than expected.
In reality, I am now in Perugia, Italy. Miami seems a long time ago, although it was really just late April. Not so easy to find the […] Continue Reading…
June 10, 2011 | Ronda Jambe
Australia as the last California
About a week ago the Economist ran a set of articles about Australia. No surprise that it gave thumbs down to our political leadership, dismissing Abbott as a tea party wannabe. Julia wasnt treated much better, but Keating received plaudits for opening up the economy.
It was interested that they […] Continue Reading…
June 10, 2011 | Graham
Fox undressed
Josh Fox filmed a documentary. Problem is it seems to have been a mockumentary, and he’s trying to cover the facts up.
His solicitors have persuaded two organisations to take the video down that you can see by clicking on this link.
Josh Fox disgraces the term “documentary maker”.
June 07, 2011 | Graham
Gasland burns viewers
I haven’t seen Josh Fox’s Gasland, but I have seen the video clip where he lights water coming out of a tap. Now, thanks to legal action taken by him and his lawyers fewer people will be able to see it. Why would he do that?
Gasland director hides full […] Continue Reading…
May 30, 2011 | Graham
So you think carbon “pollution” is bad now?
Few things annoy me more than the description of carbon dioxide emissions as “pollution”, a pejorative misdescription which has even become enshrined in some laws.
You’re talking about one of the two basic chemical building-blocks of life, the other being water, which is present in the atmosphere in miniscule quantities. […] Continue Reading…