with apologies and thanks to John O’Brien
“We’ll all be rooned,” said Hanrahan,
In accents most forlorn,
Below the tower with turning fan,
One frosty Monday morn.
The other farmers stood about,
With hands across their ears,
And wondered how to pull it out,
Within the next few years.
“It’s just a fad” said one of them;
“It’s stupid, […] Continue Reading…
April 06, 2011 | William York
April 04, 2011 | Ronda Jambe
Far Across the Sea
Stepping outside all the comfort zones, we have set off on several months of travel. The discomfort of the endless flight across the Pacific, and the complete bliss of a hotel bed afterwards. That much is familiar, along with the endless grime of the airport district in Los Angeles.
Familiar […] Continue Reading…
March 21, 2011 | Ronda Jambe
Under the Moruya Moon (10)
It has been a long and busy summer under the Moruya moon.The activities in and around our ‘shed’ have been a leisurely contrast to the wild world beyond our coastal haven.
While watching in horror the floods, fires, uprisings and nuclear disasters we take refuge in more positive, if very […] Continue Reading…
March 17, 2011 | Graham
Dating the decline
Perhaps the apex in the global warming debate was when Al Gore used a scissor lift to take his pointer to the top of the “Hockey Stick” graph in his movie, and the IPCC featured the same hockey stick on the cover of their Third Assessment report.
After that it […] Continue Reading…
February 24, 2011 | Graham
One alibi Julia won’t be using
With her acceptance on the 7.30 report that her proposed Carbon Pricing Scheme is a tax, Julia Gillard confirmed that she had lied about the issue in the 2010 election, just as much as John Howard lied about the GST in 1996, with one caveat.
The man who opponents loved […] Continue Reading…
February 20, 2011 | Ronda Jambe
Walk like an Egyptian
Or a Libyan, a Tunisian, a Bahraini or a Yemeni…but don’t get shot. True colours of both governments and populace are now being revealed. The US is back-pedalling on support for repressive Mid-Eastern regimes.
But shouldn’t they be crowing, as their avowed aim was to promote democracy? Well, perhaps not […] Continue Reading…
February 15, 2011 | Graham
Snowy Hydro scandal hits 7.30 Report
Very few blogs do news.
As recent events have shown, most cater to a micro market, working themselves into a lather in often bizarre ways about issues that barely matter to their own market, let alone the broader universe.
And they rarely break new ground.
An exception to that is Jennifer Marohasy.
Earlier […] Continue Reading…
January 31, 2011 | Graham
Prepare for more flooding
My sister writes adventure romance novels, and she is also a commercial airline pilot.
So she knows something about imagination, but she is also practical and keeps an eye on the weather.
She just sent me a link to this map of weather in our more or less immediate vicinity as […] Continue Reading…
January 26, 2011 | Graham
Reconciliation in the climate debate?
Judith Curry reports on a Workshop on Reconciliation in the Climate Change Debate. Sounds like a neat and hopeless idea, like tilting at windfarms. It would be nice to think it had a chance, but a look at the list of attendees shows that it is all people who […] Continue Reading…
January 18, 2011 | Ronda Jambe
Recalibrating the Risks
‘Put it all on the red!’ That’s the phrase my spouse uses when joking about any situation where all the eggs are in one basket, and chickens double-counted well before they become hatchlings. He used to enjoy blackjack, probably a bit too much, and has strong memories of what […] Continue Reading…