It is easy to be blase about corruption in other places. No one thinks much of what passes for government in countries like Saudi Arabia, Nigeria, or other places that don’t think much of human rights. (Lots of things upset me about our PM’s ideology, but I sleep better […] Continue Reading…
January 26, 2015 | Ronda Jambe
Trans-Pacific Partnership shows democratic deficit
January 23, 2015 | Ronda Jambe
things could get interesting
From the Carbon Brief:
Temperatures during the Iowa maize growing season are projected to increase by more
than five degrees Celsius, causing yields to drop by 18 per cent, according to new
research. In Southern Australia, 15 per cent less rainfall and temperatures 2.8 to
4.5 degrees warmer will see wheat yields decline […] Continue Reading…
January 19, 2015 | Graham
LNP running only half a campaign
I’m puzzled by the Queensland LNP campaign. It is leaving the Bligh government completely out of the frame.
For example, yesterday’s campaign launch included an announcement of a pay down of $2 bn of debt on Seqwater leading to a $100 cut in water bills. Fair enough, if the utility has lower […] Continue Reading…
January 14, 2015 | Graham
Green climate deniers
A climate denier is apparently someone who says anything that disagrees with the IPCC Assessment Reports. That makes Christine Milne, Al Gore, and my fellow blogger Ronda, climate deniers.
They all assert that climate change is causing more extreme weather, including more tropical cyclones and hurricanes. This is contrary to […] Continue Reading…
January 11, 2015 | Ronda Jambe
Naomi Klein nails it again
I have some sympathy for ABC commentator Dave Hughes, a card-carrying Liberal, in his article professing confusion about his party’s direction.
He is reading Naomi Klein, and is worried about her critique that market forces won’t magically solve all the environmental issues, such as climate change.
Read it […] Continue Reading…
January 03, 2015 | Graham
Could oil’s price plunge be a conspiracy for growth?
Everyone is into geo-political conspiracies around the plunge in the price of oil, including Graham Lloyd in today’s Australian. His is a good article, not least because it has two useful graphs at the head of it.
The first graph is of US oil production over the last 30 years.
January 01, 2015 | Ronda Jambe
My year’s top book: Naomi Klein
Having read Naomi Klein’s Shock Doctrine some years ago, I was keen to read her latest book on climate change and capitalism.
Now only about 1/3 through (holidays getting pleasantly in the path) I can say that my view of her as one of the world’s premium intellectuals has been […] Continue Reading…
December 30, 2014 | Graham
Looking for a magic bullet
It’s almost unimaginable that Tony Abbott should be in this much polling strife this early in his career, but today’s Australian shows him facing a wipeout in the southern states based on analysis of Newspoll this year.
The previous government was rejected because of its incompetence and dishonesty, but this government […] Continue Reading…
December 09, 2014 | Graham
Reminds me of Medicare Gold
Tony Abbott really is beginning to look terminal. It’s not that he’s doing a bad job, it’s just that he’s doing a good job poorly. It’s not what he is doing it is how he is doing it.
One of the themes the Liberal Opposition ran before the last election was […] Continue Reading…
December 03, 2014 | Ronda Jambe
Could the banks seize our cash? G20 sold us a pup
Since the Cypriots found that their cash actually belonged to someone else, I have been suspicious of the Australian bank guarantee scheme. This says up to $250,000 per person per institution is secure, without charge.
Do you remember the stunned interviews, just a few years ago, of small business owners […] Continue Reading…